Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Conversations they don't prepare you for at Core Consultant School

I was at a workshop today, and in a break, one of the guys comes out with ‘yeah, so when we do this workshop in Nambia (BTW, Sponky is going to Nambia and London for a week each in January. Bribes for post of luggage carrier will be accepted, but you will not be allocated a seat in business like me (finally, my dream of flying business overseas will come true , shallow as it is)) I am going out on safari, and I am going to kill an antelope, an eland, and a….’. I missed the third thing, I was too busy being incredulous that a grown man (ok, so he was from the US, this might go a ways to explaining it) would want to go kill things for fun. When asked what he planned to do with the dead animals, explained about freight and taxidermy and mounting them on his wall. Urk. Not cool, people, not cool at all.


At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Business class rocks. It's the leg room. Also you get free toiletries, which is a thrill I have yet to grow out of


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